Return & Refund Policy

We want you to be happy with your purchase! We accept returns and exchanges on non-personalized, non-custom, and non-clearance items within 30 days of receiving your order.
To return or exchange your order:
  • Items must be returned in new condition and original packaging.
  • You are responsible for return shipping costs and any exchange shipping fees.
We do not accept returns or exchanges for:
  • Personalized items
  • Custom-made items
  • Clearance items
  • We will gladly replace any item with a personalization error on our part.
  • We cannot replace items with errors due to incorrect information provided by you.
  • In case of unforeseen circumstances (force majeure), we will refund the product cost, but not shipping costs, if:
    • You were unavailable during delivery.
    • You provided an invalid phone number or email address.
    • The package is undeliverable due to the reasons mentioned above.
  • We are not responsible for costs associated with refused packages without reason.